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Economy Integrations

Necluda has support for multiple economies via the Impactor API. For more information on Impactor, please visit their support discord.

Example Currencies Block

This creates a second currency called "votepoint", which can be used in our Shop plugin to create a voteshop.

currencies {

# Creates a currency denoted by the unique key, "impactor:dollars"
"impactor:dollars" {

# Represents naming schemes for the currency when formatting balances in a non-condensed mode
singular = Dollar
plural = Dollars

# Specifies the number of decimal places to format numerical values with
decimals = 2

# Indicates that this currency should be considered the primary/fallback currency
primary = true

# Indicates the amount of money a new account created under this currency should start with
default-balance = 500.0

# Specifies settings on how the currencies symbol should be formatted
symbol {

# Indicates the character or characters used to denote the currency symbol
character = "$"

# Indicates that, when formatting, this symbol should appear to the left of the
# number. Possible values are LEFT or RIGHT
placement = "BEFORE"

"impactor:votepoint" {

# Represents naming schemes for the currency when formatting balances in a non-condensed mode
singular = Votepoint
plural = Votepoints

# Specifies the number of decimal places to format numerical values with
decimals = 2

# Indicates that this currency should be considered the primary/fallback currency
primary = false

# Indicates the amount of money a new account created under this currency should start with
default-balance = 0.0

# Specifies settings on how the currencies symbol should be formatted
symbol {

# Indicates the character or characters used to denote the currency symbol
character = "¥"

# Indicates that, when formatting, this symbol should appear to the left of the
# number. Possible values are LEFT or RIGHT
placement = "BEFORE"

In the shop, you can then set a custom currency as follows:

"blocks2": {
"category-name": "<aqua>Blocks 2",
"currency": "impactor:votepoint", // HERE
"disable-page-buttons": true,
"permission": "",
"gui-display": {
"display-name": "Blocks2",
"quantity": 1,
"type": "minecraft:stone",
"lore": []
"items": [
"display-name": "Stone",
"type": "minecraft:stone",
"buy-price": 1,
"commands": [],
"additional-lore-lines": [
"Additional Lore Lines!!"